I Am John's Stomach Pains.

On The Precipice of Mediocrity, Teetering

Tuesday, August 13, 2002


It's a Fucking Wolf!

Don't you hate when you're in your kitchen (or, like me, standing in front of your hot plate that's two feet away from your bed) and your cooking yourself a delicious meal, some bread, some chicken, some pasta... when all of a sudden, you turn and notice that there's a fucking wolf in your house looking up at you?

Okay, as many of you know, I'm an incredibly jumpy person... I freak out at the littlest things. That being said, I think I deserve major props for not dropping a load in my pants last night. True, it wasn't a wolf, but just my upstairs neighbor's dog, who had somehow pushed his way in through my front door (I really must learn to close it properly). Somehow I only gasped, and did not throw the knife I was holding in my hands at his face. Again, I think I'm starting to learn some self control.

Our Dumbass of the Day involves a married couple, a stabbing, and a little thing called a cell phone. However, I can't judge her too harshly, on numerous occassions I've accidently called someone and not realized it. Of course I don't stab people, so yay me.

Get You War On has once again updated some new strips. If you have some free time, they are great for a laugh.

Finally, Ang over at Slayer News has written up a great rebuttal to Robert Black's trilogy of essays on Tara's death on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which just goes to prove how great a show it is that it can create such heated debate. Both make valid points, and while I definately lean to Ang's point of view, Black makes some heavy criticisms that writers may have to start taking into account

posted by Holz | 11:56 AM | Rant & Rave, Bitches! (0)


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Right Now I'm Probably...
Lost, Heroes, 24, Criminal Minds
Brobdingnagian Bards
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Final Fantasy XII
Running... hopefully
My Amazon.com Wish List
Comic Quote of the Week
"It's trying to end the suffering of everything. Do you want to discuss our options? Maybe together we can, you know, workshop?"

"Okay, best way to stop a ten-story godlike monster from destroying existence? I'm gonna go with hitting, you have anything?"

"You took mine."

Wesley and Angel, Angel: After The Fall #15

Who Am I?
Name: Holz
Home: Sonoma County, California
About Me: I'm a comfortador.
See my complete profile

Ozymandias, DrOzymandias, Darth Angelus, Darque Feonix, Trip McNeely
Kicking ass for:
29 years
UWing Systems Design Specialist
Walking Theme:
Believe It Or Not by Joey Scarbury
Most watched movie:
The Princess Bride
Most read book:
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King

Where Do I Go?
Blogs I Will Most Likely Steal Ideas From
The Past
Some of My Favorite Entries
"Let a man get away with fuckin' you once, you stay bent over so's he can fuck you again whenever he damn well pleases. An' if one man can do it? Another will too. An' another, an' another still. So's being fucked, that's yer life. 'Til who you were, you ain't. 'Cause all you are is an asshole."
100 Bullets #42