Behold The Wonder
Nothing puts more pressure on a new relationship than 12 little words: "Do you want to go to a comic book convention with me?" But I decided to throw caution into the wind, and after a preface that had to've been 3 minutes long of trust-me-you-can-say-nos, Night Nurse was kind enough to say yes, and we headed down to the San Francisco WonderCon on Saturday.
Since it was my first comic book convention (shock, I know!), I don't know what I was expecting... I'd been to a few horror-cons, so was sorta expecting something along those lines... hellz no, this was insanely huge. We got there a bit after noon, and had to wait in a line 100 yds long to get in... well, we didn't have to, turns out since we had pre-tix, we could've walked right in, but oh well. Anyway, the setup was immense, taking place at the Moscone Center, just across from one of my favorite places in the city, The Metreon.
We take a quick walkthrough past two rows of exhibits, then ran upstairs to catch the Kevin Smith speech. Thankfully, the speech was gonna be a tad late, so we got to listen to JJ Abrahms talk for over half an hour on Mission: ImpossibleIII, which sounds really awesome. JJ is a great public speaker, and the audience really loved him. A huge amount of Lost fans, as well as a surprising amount Felicity love.
Anyway, after JJ, Kevin took the stage to thunderous applause, as expected. I think the thing that most surprised me during Kev's hour and a half was how many Degrassi questions he got... honestly, I didn't think anyone watched that show, but apparently there's quite a little following. Other than that, Kev was as hilarious as ever, for anyone who's never seen Kevin Smith speak (including not seeing An Evening With Kevin Smith, a must own), the guy is always on. We got to see a clip from the upcoming Passion of the Clerks that was prefaced with the funniest anti-piracy warning to the audience I'd seen. I particularly liked the clip shown, which ripped into the LotR trilogy, because it reminded me of seeing Kev in Berkeley, and my friend getting ripped into as The Fucking Hobbit Guy.
We walked around downstairs a bit, and I did a little shopping, getting a few DC trades (JLA and Green Arrow). Amazingly, I think I was surprised the most was that with all the geeks there, I didn't see a single "repeat" T-Shirt the entire time... I picked up a copy of the Zombie Tales anthology I read about in last month's Wizard, plus got it signed by three of the authors. Haven't read it yet, but it looks pretty good. I was able to pick up a Mooninites T-Shirt (The Moon Rulez #1), and Night Nurse didn't quite get it... I'm wondering whether having her sit down and watch some Aqua Teen Hunger Force will be the straw that scares her away.
Before we left, we caught a bit of the Superman Returns panel with Brandon Routh and Bryan Singer, but we missed the footage they showed. Sadly, these two were kind of a let down, as they were pretty poor at the question/answering from the audience, but afterwards, I got a kick ass poster for the movie, plus an amazingly detailed Guy Fawkes mask from the upcoming V For Vendetta.
Overall, had a good time, definitely look forward to doing it again sometime, but I was also pretty disappointed. Marvel didn't have a single booth, and neither did IDW, which were the two I was hoping to visit. The DC one was cool and all, but while I'm a fan, I'll always be a Marvel-whore.
Sunday, was entirely a sleep day for me. No joke, the hours I were up on Sunday include less than 8 hours:
2:43am - 4:30am: Night Nurse was in the city for a girl's nite out birthday party, and I volunteered to chaperone her and Tin Pusher after the limo dropped them off afterwards, so all good.
12:10pm - 5:58pm: Lunch and afternoon Sci-Fi catchup... then completely passed out.
This sleep catchup was mainly because I had gotten to bed so late on previous nights, either b/c I was sick, I had company, or I was over a friends pad drinking. Of note, flashback to Friday night, where I crashed over Old School's pad after a party in his honor. There was a small group at his place, just playing drinking games... and I learned a lesson. When the medication your on says Do Not Drink Alcohol, be sure to listen. I had about 3 drinks, and for the rest of the night, I could barely string together a coherent thought into a sentence. Some would say this is normal. Oh well, the entire night I would begin saying things, and then just shut up and look in the distance for a few seconds, then continue on. Apparently, it was hilarious. I just learned the lesson that Liquid Codeine and a Bald Pussy (the drink I had) don't mesh well.
posted by Holz |
11:31 AM |
Rant & Rave, Bitches! (2)
i think we could make a tv show out of your life, and it'd be damn interesting. it might be the HBO version of seinfeld, but that'd be ok...
Seriously, you make me feel boring. Oh wait, I am boring.
Glad to hear you liked your first Comicon. Some of the Q?A sessions are awesome. It's really cool to get a glimpse into the head of some of your favorite creators. One year, they had a session of stump Tom Brevoort. It took a good number of ?'s. The dude knows his comics. Anyway, I'm more stoked than ever for Wizard World Philly this year. Thanks.
Watching: Lost, Heroes, 24, Criminal Minds Listening: Brobdingnagian Bards Reading: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman Playing: Final Fantasy XII Eating: Doing: Running... hopefully Wishing:
Comic Quote of the Week
"It's trying to end the suffering of everything. Do you want to discuss our options? Maybe together we can, you know, workshop?"
"Okay, best way to stop a ten-story godlike monster from destroying existence? I'm gonna go with hitting, you have anything?"
"You took mine."
Wesley and Angel, Angel: After The Fall #15
Who Am I?
Name: Holz Home: Sonoma County, California About Me: I'm a comfortador. See my complete profile
AKA: Ozymandias, DrOzymandias, Darth Angelus, Darque Feonix, Trip McNeely Kicking ass for: 29 years Job: UWing Systems Design Specialist Walking Theme: Believe It Or Not by Joey Scarbury Most watched movie: The Princess Bride Most read book: The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
"Let a man get away with fuckin' you once, you stay bent over so's he can fuck you again whenever he damn well pleases. An' if one man can do it? Another will too. An' another, an' another still. So's being fucked, that's yer life. 'Til who you were, you ain't. 'Cause all you are is an asshole." 100 Bullets #42