I Am John's Stomach Pains.

On The Precipice of Mediocrity, Teetering

Sunday, January 19, 2003


At The Edge of the Internet, Lies a Blog to Adventure

As you can see I've been slackin' with the blog as of late. Alot of that has to do with work. I've been quite swamped over the past week, and my internet connection has been on the fritz. You have no idea how much time I've been puttin' in trying to get all this adware and hijackware off of both of my computers. Using Ad-aware on my home and work computers, I found over 500 adwares on my computer. Plus, I had been gettin' hijacked by Xupiter and Hunbar... thankfully, I found BHODemon to help remove them from both my drives. Sometimes I hate being computer illiterate in the advanced crap.

Anyway, my weekend has been fairly uneventful. I was planning on seeing Ghost of the Robot up in Sacremento, but after listening to some of their songs I downloaded, I decided they were pretty much crap so I held against it. Instead I spent some time catching up on some things I've been meaning to, cleaning up and watching DVDs. I know this is gonna sound really sad, but I pretty much watched all of Stargate: SG1 Season 1 on DVD... at least those eps I had never seen before, which was over half of the season. Highly underrated show, it's a fun ride. Plus, it stars MacGuyver, so that's all good.

I also finally got around to cleaning my car, so people at work won't be giving me any weird looks when we go out to lunch anymore. It was gettin' to be pretty bad. Worst part of cleaning: I opened my trunk and discovered some of my laundry detergent I kept stored in there had spilled... boy did that suck. I also started preparing the big clean-up that is Holz's Apartment. Seeing as I'll be moving out of here in less than a month, tis' time to start prepping.

Spent today watching football... fucking Bucs... this was supposed to be the Eagles year... they were supposed to roll over Tampa Bay in the f'n cold, then have a helluva Superbowl against Oakland. Again, I say, fuck the Bucs.

Sorta watching the Golden Globes, but I was in an EOnline chat during the east coast airing, so nothing was a surprise. Awesome to see my boy Michael Chiklis win again (despite the Shadow Slave's thoughts), and again give a piss poor acceptance speech. Dude, you are an awesome drama actor, don't try comedy. Renee gave a sweet an impassioned speech, Sharon Stone was an embarrassment to everyone there, and in my honest opinion, Laura Linney was the hottest one there. Overall, glad to see Chicago got all the praise (althouth CZJ shoulda gotten the award for Supporting Actress), pissed that Alias and Two Towers didn't win their awards, and still indifferent about the movie About Schimdt... hopefully I'll get my thoughts complete on that flick soon.

posted by Holz | 10:24 PM | Rant & Rave, Bitches! (0)


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Right Now I'm Probably...
Lost, Heroes, 24, Criminal Minds
Brobdingnagian Bards
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Final Fantasy XII
Running... hopefully
My Amazon.com Wish List
Comic Quote of the Week
"It's trying to end the suffering of everything. Do you want to discuss our options? Maybe together we can, you know, workshop?"

"Okay, best way to stop a ten-story godlike monster from destroying existence? I'm gonna go with hitting, you have anything?"

"You took mine."

Wesley and Angel, Angel: After The Fall #15

Who Am I?
Name: Holz
Home: Sonoma County, California
About Me: I'm a comfortador.
See my complete profile

Ozymandias, DrOzymandias, Darth Angelus, Darque Feonix, Trip McNeely
Kicking ass for:
29 years
UWing Systems Design Specialist
Walking Theme:
Believe It Or Not by Joey Scarbury
Most watched movie:
The Princess Bride
Most read book:
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King

Where Do I Go?
Blogs I Will Most Likely Steal Ideas From
The Past
Some of My Favorite Entries
"Let a man get away with fuckin' you once, you stay bent over so's he can fuck you again whenever he damn well pleases. An' if one man can do it? Another will too. An' another, an' another still. So's being fucked, that's yer life. 'Til who you were, you ain't. 'Cause all you are is an asshole."
100 Bullets #42