I Am John's Stomach Pains.

On The Precipice of Mediocrity, Teetering

Wednesday, June 11, 2003


Pissed At Political Correctness at 1:30

Just watching a rerun of The X-Files, the first appearance of Gibson Price... there's a piece of dialogue where Diana Fowlly (sp?) says she's spent too many years in the brains of Arab terrorists. But now, while the closed captioning still has Arab in the dialogue, it is now dubbed as 'armed'. It's shit like this that fucking pisses me off. I'm too tired to get into it now, but I wish I understood the thought process that goes into a decision to change a published work of art after the fact, just because a couple years later, some people may be offended. The whole E.T. thing was a total joke, changing terrorists to hippies and the rest of that shit, but honestly where does it stop?

I swear I'm gonna turn on FX one night and see an airing of True Lies, where the Arab terrorists are now going to be really tanned white guys who are mad at having to pay taxes...

posted by Holz | 1:41 AM | Rant & Rave, Bitches! (0)


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Right Now I'm Probably...
Lost, Heroes, 24, Criminal Minds
Brobdingnagian Bards
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Final Fantasy XII
Running... hopefully
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Comic Quote of the Week
"It's trying to end the suffering of everything. Do you want to discuss our options? Maybe together we can, you know, workshop?"

"Okay, best way to stop a ten-story godlike monster from destroying existence? I'm gonna go with hitting, you have anything?"

"You took mine."

Wesley and Angel, Angel: After The Fall #15

Who Am I?
Name: Holz
Home: Sonoma County, California
About Me: I'm a comfortador.
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Ozymandias, DrOzymandias, Darth Angelus, Darque Feonix, Trip McNeely
Kicking ass for:
29 years
UWing Systems Design Specialist
Walking Theme:
Believe It Or Not by Joey Scarbury
Most watched movie:
The Princess Bride
Most read book:
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King

Where Do I Go?
Blogs I Will Most Likely Steal Ideas From
The Past
Some of My Favorite Entries
"Let a man get away with fuckin' you once, you stay bent over so's he can fuck you again whenever he damn well pleases. An' if one man can do it? Another will too. An' another, an' another still. So's being fucked, that's yer life. 'Til who you were, you ain't. 'Cause all you are is an asshole."
100 Bullets #42