BNL's Everything to Everyone really for *Everyone*?
Very rarely do I critique albums. Really, the only time I think I’ve done this track-by-track study was for Anthony Stewart Head’s Music For Elevators (which doesn't seem to have survived the BB Culling, damn). But seeing as Barenaked Ladies are only my favorite band, I thought I'd do it again. First off, major props to the cover art, the influence from Alex Ross is pretty noticeable, so that's nothing but good.
1. Celebrity. Surprisingly slow intro song for a BNL album. Nice harmonizing though, and one of the few songs where Tyler’s drums are recognizable. Already easy to sing along to.
2. Maybe Katie. Very reminiscient of Enid from Gordon. Great tempo, and Steven sounds like he’s singing through a smile. Plus, I love songs where Ed and Steve bring their own styles to the stanzas.
3. Another Postcard. Just as fun as the single, with a nice little change at the end. Critics may find it to be childish, but that’s BNL for you. The song’s incredibly catchy, and you can tell it’s gonna be a blast live. And in case your wondering… yeah, already have it memorized.
4. Next Time. Quite often, there’s a song I completely relate to, and comment on things I’m going through at that point in my life (recently, on the Greatest Hits album that song was the break-up anthem Thanks That Was Fun, and on Maroon it was Never Do Anything . This album has two such songs! This song is all about regrets, and not acting on impulses. Anyone who knows me knows my life’s full of missed chances and chicken-shit choices. Quite moving.
5. For You Surprisingly simplistic song, but Ed rarely gets to extend his range like this. Again, catchy.
6. Shopping. This song is just weird. I like it, it’s very jumpy and fun, but really, I have no idea what it’s trying to say. “Eveything’s going to be alright when we go shopping”… I’m sure I’ll listen ot it quite a bit, but more for the music, and not the lyrics, which is strange for BNL. I have a feeling it’ll split fans like Maroon’s Sell Sell Sell 7/10
7. Testing 1, 2, 3 This song is pure BNL, and I’m disappointed this one wasn’t released as the first single, because when it will, it’ll probably be overshadowed and influenced by Another Postcard (much like Too Little, Too Late being overshadowed by the inferior Pinch Me). Great job by both Ed and Steve on this one, so far my favorite song.
8. Upside Down. Damn, another great song. Awesome intro by Jim on the bass. Since Ed got the first single again, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this one become a single either, showcasing Steven’s great voice talents.
9. War on Drugs. You can tell this song is just gonna kick ass live. Very subdued and depressing. I have a feeling anyone that’s ever lost someone to suicide will find this one particularly emotional… not a surprise to hear they dedicated it to Elliot Smith in their opening shows this week. Tyler and Kevin both provide great supporting music in the background. Not a catchy song, but still good.
10. Aluminum. Great music, boring song. Just doesn’t do much for me. Perhaps I’m missing a deeper significance.
11. Unfinished. Hmph. Kevin’s pretty prevalent in the background, but again I’m slightly unimpressed by the lyrics. Thankfully, the chorus is memorable, so it’s not a skipper, but still, nothing great.
12. Second Best. Another song I hope to see live, only to see how much of the stage Steven and Ed will use running around playing this jumpy song. Still, a tad unmemorable.
13. Take It Outside. Here’s the other song I find completely describes me quite well. All about a guy who doesn’t like confrontation, and will avoid it at all costs. Great music, great performance by both Ed and Steven, it kinda reminds me of Fell Asleep At The Wheel, without the death...
14. Have You Seen My Love? I’m sure others will love this song, but this gets a big meh from me, total chick song. Probably my least favorite final song since Stunt’s When You Dream. Guess I just like the more jumpy finales.
Overall, I really liked it. Nowhere near as good as Maroon or Born on a Pirate Ship, but still better than Stunt and Maybe You Should Drive. Definitely recommend it... cannot wait til I see 'em live in November!
posted by Holz |
7:46 PM |
Rant & Rave, Bitches! (0)
Watching: Lost, Heroes, 24, Criminal Minds Listening: Brobdingnagian Bards Reading: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman Playing: Final Fantasy XII Eating: Doing: Running... hopefully Wishing:
Comic Quote of the Week
"It's trying to end the suffering of everything. Do you want to discuss our options? Maybe together we can, you know, workshop?"
"Okay, best way to stop a ten-story godlike monster from destroying existence? I'm gonna go with hitting, you have anything?"
"You took mine."
Wesley and Angel, Angel: After The Fall #15
Who Am I?
Name: Holz Home: Sonoma County, California About Me: I'm a comfortador. See my complete profile
AKA: Ozymandias, DrOzymandias, Darth Angelus, Darque Feonix, Trip McNeely Kicking ass for: 29 years Job: UWing Systems Design Specialist Walking Theme: Believe It Or Not by Joey Scarbury Most watched movie: The Princess Bride Most read book: The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
"Let a man get away with fuckin' you once, you stay bent over so's he can fuck you again whenever he damn well pleases. An' if one man can do it? Another will too. An' another, an' another still. So's being fucked, that's yer life. 'Til who you were, you ain't. 'Cause all you are is an asshole." 100 Bullets #42